Karen Duffy

Massage Therapist
Karen Duffy

About Karen Duffy

Karen has lived in the greater Edmonton area her entire life, and moved to St. Albert 15 years ago with her husband to raise their kids.

After many years of caring for kids in the community and then running a small house cleaning business, Karen did what she had always wanted to do and went back to school. Knowing she had always wanted a career in helping people, she quickly zeroed in on massage therapy. With a full-time job, a ten-year-old and a baby on her hip, she happily entered a full time college program. Giving it her all, she graduated top of her class and has been massaging ever since.

Karen is dedicated to helping her clients regain mobility and alleviate pain. Her approach combines technical expertise with a genuine passion for enhancing her client’s overall well-being.

Outside of her practice, Karen enjoys hiking, reading and travel.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of eternity; what would it be?

I could eat a strawberry yogurt parfait for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fresh strawberries, vanilla yogurt and homemade granola ticks every box for me.

Favourite sport to play, favourite sport to watch

I love hiking and spend many hours with my best friend finding the best spots to challenge ourselves. I also recently began weight training and have found so much health and joy in getting stronger! As for watching, it would have to be soccer, most especially when my boys are playing.

Toughest thing you’ve ever done? Would you do it again 

For sure it’s having kids. Toughest, most rewarding and absolutely would do it again!

Most adventurous thing you’ve done

I’ve been so lucky to have so many travel adventures. From backpacking through jungles to bungee jumping off cranes to caving with too many bats. I hope to have many more adventures around the world in the future!

Specialty dish in the kitchen

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins! They are my grandma’s recipe and yes there is a secret ingredient. (But I’ve been known to tell anyone who would like to know!)

Do you have a favourite quote or mantra?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle

Skills & Training

  • Registered Massage Therapy Diploma -Makami College
  • IntraOral Massage Certification Level 1 and 2
  • SFH Dynamic Cupping Therapy Certification
  • Pre and Post Natal Massage Certification
  • Orthopaedic Approach to Massage Therapy


Re-entering the academic world later in life was a challenge that Karen was more than ready for. She was awarded top honours each semester at her college, and could often be found staying after class to learn more from her instructors.

Karen looks forward to Continuing Education courses at every opportunity, always striving to absorb new skills with which to help her clients.

Above all, Karen is a helper. From her beginnings in childcare, her hard work as a residential cleaner, her skill as a business owner and finally her technical skill as a massage therapist, Karen strives to always bring forward her best to the community.