Vestibular Physiotherapy

for Balance and Dizziness

Regain Your Balance and Confidence

At The Joint Physiotherapy in St. Albert, we specialize in vestibular physiotherapy to help individuals suffering from dizziness, vertigo, and balance disorders. Our goal is to provide effective treatments that improve your stability, reduce your symptoms, and enhance your quality of life. Discover how our comprehensive vestibular physiotherapy services can make a difference in your life.

What is Vestibular Physiotherapy?

Vestibular physiotherapy is a specialized form of therapy focused on diagnosing and treating disorders of the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and spatial orientation. This type of therapy is designed to alleviate symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, and nausea. At The Joint Physiotherapy, our skilled therapists use evidence-based techniques to help you regain your balance and reduce dizziness.

How Does Vestibular Physiotherapy Work?

Vestibular physiotherapy involves a combination of exercises and techniques designed to retrain the brain and body to process balance signals more effectively. Here’s an overview of the key components of vestibular physiotherapy:

Comprehensive Assessment

Our therapists conduct a thorough assessment to understand your symptoms, medical history, and the specific causes of your vestibular disorder. This may include tests for balance, eye movements, and positional vertigo.

Customized Exercise Programs

Based on the assessment, we develop individualized exercise programs that may include gaze stabilization exercises, balance training, and habituation exercises to reduce dizziness and improve stability.

Manual Therapy

Techniques such as canalith repositioning maneuvers (e.g., Epley maneuver) are used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) by moving dislodged crystals in the inner ear to their proper position.

Education and Self-Management

We empower you with knowledge and strategies to manage your symptoms and improve your daily function. This includes advice on activity modification, safety measures, and lifestyle changes.

Benefits of Vestibular Physiotherapy

Vestibular physiotherapy offers numerous benefits, making it an essential component of treatment for balance and dizziness disorders. Here’s why vestibular physiotherapy is so effective:

Symptom Relief
Vestibular physiotherapy effectively reduces symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance, helping you feel more stable and confident.
Improved Balance and Coordination
Through targeted exercises, vestibular physiotherapy enhances your balance, coordination, and overall physical stability.
Enhanced Quality of Life
By reducing symptoms and improving your ability to perform daily activities, vestibular physiotherapy significantly enhances your quality of life.
Prevention of Falls
Vestibular physiotherapy helps prevent falls and related injuries by improving your balance and stability.
Faster Recovery
These techniques accelerate the recovery process for individuals recovering from vestibular disorders or related surgeries.

Conditions Treated with Vestibular Physiotherapy

At The Joint Physiotherapy, our vestibular physiotherapy services can effectively address a wide range of conditions, including:

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
A common cause of vertigo that occurs when small crystals in the inner ear are dislodged.

Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis
Inflammation of the inner ear or vestibular nerve that can cause severe dizziness and balance issues.

Meniere’s Disease
A disorder of the inner ear that causes episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss.

Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
Chronic dizziness that can persist for months and is often triggered by motion, visual stimuli, or complex environments.

Concussion-Related Dizziness
 Dizziness and balance problems resulting from a concussion or head injury.

Migrainous Vertigo
Vertigo associated with migraines.

Balance Disorders
General balance impairments due to aging, vestibular dysfunction, or neurological conditions.

Why Choose The Joint for Vestibular Physiotherapy?

At The Joint Physiotherapy, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional vestibular physiotherapy services tailored to each individual’s needs. Our team of experienced and passionate therapists is dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. Here’s what sets us apart:

    • Expertise and Experience: Our therapists bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every vestibular physiotherapy session.
    • Personalized Approach: We develop customized vestibular physiotherapy treatment plans based on your unique condition and goals.
    • Holistic Care: We integrate vestibular physiotherapy with other physiotherapy services to provide a comprehensive approach to your health and wellness.
    • Patient-Centered Care: Your well-being is our priority. We foster a supportive and collaborative environment to ensure you feel heard, valued, and empowered throughout your recovery journey.

 Join Us at The Joint Physiotherapy

and experience the transformative benefits of vestibular physiotherapy. Let’s work together to alleviate your dizziness, improve your balance, and enhance your overall well-being. At The Joint, your success is our greatest success. Ready to start your journey to better balance?
Book an appointment online today!